Create new C# Windows Project Right click References >> Add Reference, select browse and add the dmcscripting.dll from the dBpoweramp install folder. Check that the properties of your C# project have the Platform Target set to 64 bit (if dBpoweramp is installed on 64 bit Windows). At the top of your .cs code window add (under system ones): using DMCSCRIPTINGLib; Then access dMC with: DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter dMC = new DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter(); Example code: // Get list of compression codecs for (int i = 0; ; i++) { string Codec; Codec = dMC.get_GetCompressions(i); if (Codec.Length == 0) break; MessageBox.Show(Codec); } // Do one conversion dMC.Convert("z:\\abc.ape", "z:\\new file.mp3", "mp3 (Lame)", "-b=128", ""); // Read All IDTags for (int i = 0; ; i++) { string Element = "", TagVal = ""; dMC.ReadIDTag("z:\\abc.ape", i, ref Element, ref TagVal); if (Element.Length == 0) break; MessageBox.Show(Element + ": " + TagVal); } // Write an ID Tag dMC.WriteIDTag("z:\\abc.ape", "element", "value"); // Show compression settings page string CompressionCLI = "-b=128"; CompressionCLI = dMC.get_ShowSettings("mp3 (Lame)", CompressionCLI); MessageBox.Show("Returned Compression CLI: " + CompressionCLI); // Read audio properties of a file string AudioProps = dMC.get_AudioProperties("z:\\abc.ape"); MessageBox.Show(AudioProps); // Convert all Ape files in folder string []ConvertFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("z:\\", "*.ape"); for (int i = 0; i < ConvertFiles.Length; i++) { string ToFile = ConvertFiles[i] + ".mp3"; dMC.Convert(ConvertFiles[i], ToFile, "mp3 (Lame)", "-b=128", ""); }