Create new C# Windows Project Right click References >> Add Reference, for the COM tab select 'uPlayer 1.0 Type Library' and add. At the top of your .cs code window add (under system ones): using uPlayerLib; Then access uPlayer with: uPlayerLib.uPlayerdB uPlayer = new uPlayerLib.uPlayerdBClass(); Example code: uPlayerLib.uPlayerdB uPlayer = new uPlayerLib.uPlayerdBClass(); // optionally set collection and zone // any which are "" are ignored // if never called then default used: // collection=(global) // zone=waveout:-1:(default) //uPlayer.SetCollectionZone("collection", "waveout:-1:(default)"); // Enqueue A File, if 0=normal queue, 1=priority enqueued uPlayer.Enqueue("z:\\p2.wav", 0); uPlayer.Enqueue("z:\\p1.wav", 1); // Skip track uPlayer.SkipNext(); // Skip to previous uPlayer.SkipPrevious(); // Skip to % in current uPlayer.SkipToPC(75); // get and set volume (1 to 100) int vol = uPlayer.Volume; vol = 100; uPlayer.Volume = vol; // Play a Track uPlayer.Play("z:\\p1.wav"); // Mute uPlayer.Mute(); // UnMute uPlayer.UnMute(); if (uPlayer.IsMuted != 0) { // if muted } // Pause uPlayer.Pause(); // UnPause uPlayer.UnPause(); if (uPlayer.IsPaused != 0) { // if paused } // Close all uPlayers uPlayer.Close(); if (uPlayer.IsLoaded != 0) { // is loaded } // Load Player (and start playback of queued files uPlayer.Load(); if (uPlayer.IsStopped == 0) { // is playing } //' read properties string Playing = uPlayer.FilePlaying; int Length = uPlayer.PlayingLengthMS; int PosPC = uPlayer.PlayingPositionPC; int PosMS = uPlayer.PlayingPositionMS; int BitRate = uPlayer.PlayingBitRate; int Chan = uPlayer.PlayingChannels; int Bits = uPlayer.PlayingBitsPerSample; int SR = uPlayer.PlayingSamplesPerSec; if (uPlayer.PlayingPropsChanged != 0) { // if any of the above have changed since last call }